Fintech Lead Generation: 4 Successful Fintech Examples
If you’re doing research on lead generation for your fintech company, it’s likely you’re looking for inspiration on how other fintech startups have generated leads and examples of tactics that work.
In this piece, we go through fintech lead generation campaigns that worked, as well as one specific strategy that works.
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How to Write About Your Product In Your Content [And Increase Conversions]
A lot of content marketers believe you should never write about your product in your content.
But in this article we argue that you often need to write about your product to explain a concept, to establish credibility and to acquire customers.
We then offer a guide on how to write product in your content that helps with conversions.
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Fintech Digital Marketing: How to Test Channels and Generate Leads
Digital marketing and fintech: in this article we walk through the different channels you should be testing, and how to make sure you get content marketing right.
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Why Is It So Hard to Find Good Writing Online?
Every time you Google something, read a recipe, follow a how-to guide, you’re probably frustrated with the quality of the content you read. Why is that? Why is it so hard to find good writing? In this article, I explore four reasons why I believe it’s so hard to find good online writers.
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How to Track the Quality of the Leads Your Content Brings in [With 6 HubSpot Reports]
Bringing in a high number of SQLs doesn’t mean anything if they’re all low quality.
How can you track the quality of the leads you’re bringing in? In this article, we break down why Hubspot is a content marketer’s best friend, and which reports to use to track lead quality.
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